Portrait of a Mohammedan Woman, Portrait of a Hindoo Woman, Portrait of a Christian Woman
“…Each of the stereotypes having been fashioned in tune with its specific religious paraphernalia, together add to the universal stereotype of the woman incorporating the male vision of her. This impact is enabled further by throwing a uniform, old-fashioned studio atmosphere over the frames. The same atmosphere becomes subtly employed as a part of and a means to the merger of historical periods. Within the certain lightness of the photographic medium and the ephemeral effects of illumination and shade, the images possess a specifically sculptural effect…”
Marta Jakimovicz
Concept, production, direction: Pushpamala N
Photography: JH Thakker and Vimal Thakker
India Photo Studio, Mumbai
13 sepia coloured photographs, image size 20×26 inches each, edition of 10 each.
A set of 3 sepia- toned photographs
Portrait of a Hindoo Woman
sepia toned photograph
26 x20 inches
edition of 10

Portrait of a Christian Woman
sepia toned photograph
26×20 inches
edition of 10

Portrait of a Mohammedan Woman
sepia toned photograph
26×20 inches
edition of 10